Saturday, November 11, 2006


You know you're either in the Twilight Zone or you've got something big on your hands when the black hole of creativity known as Electronic Arts says your product offers nothing in terms of innovation.

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GOW? EA does not approve

GOW? EA does not approve

Speaking at the Montréal Games Summit earlier this week, general manager for EA Montréal, Alain Tascan, expressed his disinterest in what Epic's latest title, Gears of War, brought to the table. "What is Gears of War? I mean, Gear of War brings nothing in terms of innovation to the shooter. Like, zero", said Tascan.

Tascan attributed almost all of Gears of War's popularity to its impressive visuals, pointing out the story is practically nonexistent and that graphics are still the most important contributor to a game's success. Making an uncomfortable analogy, he made the comparison of an attractive girl you might find in a bar and how intelligence -- in this case gameplay -- is really just a bonus.

"I'm just saying, when you go to metacritic and you see a 96 for Gears of War, then you read the critics saying, 'Okay, storyline - there's none, gameplay is not innovative...' Then I say, why did they give this 96? They were blown away by the high quality of the graphics. Myself, I prefer something more creative", said Tascan.

I think EA needs to learn how to shut the fuck up! This is one of those times. When was the last time they put out something innovative and fresh?

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